Ok this is not music related but I just love the term .. V.U.C.A
''.. But running a business in a todays VUCA environment
laying 3-5 year plans is high risk:) ''
V.U.C.A. (pronounced voo – ka) is an acronym for an environment that is dominated by:
Volatility – where things change fast but not in a predictable trend or repeatable pattern.
Uncertainty – where major “disruptive” changes occur
frequently. In this environment, the past is not an accurate predictor
of the future, and identifying and preparing for “what will come next”
is extremely difficult.
Complexity — where there are numerous difficult-to-understand causes and mitigating factors involved in a problem.
Ambiguity – where the causes and the “who, what,
where, when, how, and why” behind the things that are happening are
unclear and hard to ascertain.
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