I remember buying David Gray's 'White Ladder' probably around 1998/99. I loved it ... ''Babalon'', fantastic track which really gives an insight into the Man Himself ... whom ''wears his heart on his sleeve'', some days it goes well, others not so well. I thought about this track when I watched the Youtube clip above yesterday.
Everything is about His mood, the way He feels, His surroundings ... really great artist!
I think it was Macy Gray that I heard on the radio calling David a ''fantastic, sensitive beautiful man'' after She listened to 'White ladder'. It was the Irish that first caught onto David Gray and when He attended ''Witness Festival'' (Free Download)
I don't think He He could believe the response He received ...
I was lucky enough to be there to watch His head shaking piano playing and listen to song after song. He had been warned of fines for playing over time but the crowd wanted more and David just played extra song after extra song .. a great memory ...
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