LINN DSM, My test of possibilities ... concentration placed on function rather than optimal performance ...
The kit:
LINN Akurate DSM (not Klimax as shown on pic), Digital Streamer, Pre-amplifier with HDMi (attached with Network cable)
LINN Klimax 320A Speakers
Other equipment:
Samsung 8 Smart TV (film streaming, music streaming, Internet) Toslink to DSM & Wireless Networked
PS3 (Blueray, Gaming, streaming (film, music), internet) Toslink to DSM & Wireless Networked
Apple Macbook, Toslink to DSM & Wireless Networked
First out was IDOL on TV4Play (internet) on Macbook using 3G Modem Worked just perfectly .. of course the sound is a bit thin but it's hard to know how good the source material is. The advertising breaks are always higher volume but even so, they sound just perfect if that's anything to go on. Totally acceptable solution (Wireless mouse & ''sexy'' keyboard helps) and I thoroughly enjoyed IDOL though the guy (so boring I can't even remember his name, technically fantastic but I just don't believe him) should of course went instead of Moa (see, I remember her name); he did have a good night but murdered a U2 song a few weeks ago ... unforgivable! Works perfectly, ok picture, sounded clean, not as good as when sent live but good!
Next out was PS3 with Rush Blueray ... amazing high resolution and ''WAL'' Rush are technical geniuses but I'm not getting it. PS3 for Blueray gets almost top points for film quality and sounds great through DSM. Watched 'Walk the Line' yesterday on DVD (not Blueray) & must say the picture was amazing and the sound just so real and natural. Extremely clean ... brilliant film made better by both DSM & the amazing Samsung! Fantastic!
Still on PS3 but moving on to Games - 'Uncharted 2', a real graphics and sound masterpiece. I'm not into the actual game but who cares, it's a totally wild 'Sound-experience', DSM & 320's present the overload of sound just beautifully ... I got scared ... bordering on adrenalin rush! PS3 handset vibrating in my hands, really enhances drama ... never heard crashing, banging so beautifully before! Believable ... thank God the lights were on!!
Now to just Samsung 8, 320's and DSM. I mean how fantastic is this ... 1 screen, 1 box and speakers with discreet cables. I'm using iPad APP for Samsung, which is quick and logical to find any films on the network and we are soon into a Damien Rice HD music video wirelessly streamed (Samsung has Dnla film streaming function) on the network from my NAS. The TV is connected with Toslink to LINN DSM. Sound is just great but I notice the picture sharpness drops out slightly but only occasionally. Totally acceptable and enjoyable wire free solution. Seriously ... 1 box, screen & speakers giving high end performance ... WAL ... Using a network cable will probably take away that pixel problem and improve all aspects of the performance but that's next weeks test ... How to get the best performance with DSM?
So used to listening to music on this system that I forgot to mention it! Yesterday I went from LINN ADSM & 320A's immediately to the same song in the Akurate room which is Akurate DS, Akurate Kontrol & Akurate 4200 (Bi-amp) with 242's and thought immediately the DSM room sounded best ... but as I said ... performance comparison is next weeks test ... Hopefully ComHem install my 200 MB line in time so we can test some remote streaming, over the internet, of HD film ...
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