I love idol ,,, just brilliant ... How can you NOT like it? Here are my reasons why I love idol! - People take a chance, put themselves in the firing line, not just in front of a few friends or family but the whole Country ... They stand up on TV and sing! Seriously how amazing is that ... Of course some people are shot down, mostly just by being told the truth but for the talented ones, they emerge from probably the most vulnerable position they will ever put themselves in to be totally reborn. Watching these moments blows my mind .... It's just wonderful ... I can't help but be happy! - Then the music ... these are seriously talented people, some of the performances are amazing ... totally emotion filled. They are on TV, in front of an audience and they are desperate to do their best ... I can't begin to imagine what they are going through but sometimes with the better performances you feel it ... I find it hard to describe how happy I get just watching so for them ... we...