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Jamcast gör det möjligt att använda dina LINN DS som en virtuell ljudkort för dina Windows dator (automatisk med Windows 7, 24 bit och funkar med bättre XP datorer men inte alla).

En strålande produkt som betyder du använda alla fördel av din DS för att spela till exempel Spotify eller dina ägna inspelningar (pro-tools) från din dator genom dina nätverk till din LINN DS. Krävs ingen kablar men bara att dator och DS ligger på samma nätverk. Funkar även med USB mobilt bredband och är en bra lösning för ''Party-Mode''.

Det finns mycket mer funktion från itunes bibliotek till podcast osv osv! Synas automatisk på Kinsky, Plugplayer osv! Testa gratis 14 dager!


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My first impression of LINN's NEW Akubarik's

Firstly I am all in favour of compact systems so for me it's a great advantage that they are fully active. Technical information you can get from the designer on the following video link I can pick a few points about the design. I don't like blue lights ... I'd hoped it would be smaller to fit more of my customers that have smaller rooms and apartments with neighbours. But actualythey look great, very tidy indeed. A good start and very interesting but how do they perform? The obvious reference systems are Akurate 242 Aktiv with LINN Akurate amps or Klimax 350A's reference speakers. Straight off the Akurate 242's can't compete on the bottom end. The Akubariks deliver controlled base no matter the volume. Whether the 3k array performs better than on aktive 242, I don't know but it's probably quite similar. It is very good. It's all very good and well balanced. At no point did I experience any issues with frequ...

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Linn Katalyst ... New DAC architecture - NEW KLIMAX DS :)

“Shows a clean pair of heels to some of audio’s upper echelon with ease. It might even be the best of all of them … profoundly recommended."   Hi-Fi+ Magazine Our new Katalyst DAC Architecture performs digital-to-analogue conversion with greater precision than ever. Katalyst takes an unprecedented level of control over the critical elements that lie at the heart of the analogue signal’s creation; offering improved Data Optimisation, superior Master Clock, independent Power Supplies, a new ultra-low distortion Output Driver and crucially, for the first time, a high-stability input Reference Level. The latter is vitally important because, at the point of creation, the analogue audio signal is particularly vulnerable even to miniscule variations in the Reference Level, which cause irreversible damage. Katalyst’s high-stability input Reference Level eliminates variations during analogue signal creation, giving you a deeper insight into your music. Read more ......