This coming Wednesday, me and my friend Martin Peoples, from Peoples & Schmidt LINN Store in Gothenburg, will do a sneek preview thing of an event we hope will become a local institution - a social music listening gathering. It's still a bit of a work in progress regarding the format, but we want to i nvite interesting people to talk about their records and play them to us and other interested people. The name Klanger & Spår (unofficial name for now) comes from a poe m by poet Tomas Tranströmer, and what we want to project with that is that although we'll be totally nerding out about setting up an amazing sound-system for guests to enjoy, the point is to deliver a poetic sound experience that goes beyond good or bad sound. I'm going to select some personal favourite songs for this first event and in the future we want to invite guests to come and talk about some of their favourites and play them to us!